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M & A Crime-Pics II

Download tool

The Crime-Pics II tool replaces our CD, and is freely available to download: Crime-Pics II tool

To run the program, unzip the contents to a folder of your choice and run CrimepicsII.exe

If you get an error after entering the scores and before saving the results, please ensure you have extracted the zipped file rather than running the tool from within archive itself.

Strongly Agree (SA) is always input with the scoring tool as 5, Agree is input as 4 and so on. The scoring tool will convert the input to the appropriate output score.

For example, Q8 'I defintely won't get into trouble ...' . A client rating of SA should be input as 5, the scoring tool will convert this to a score of 1 to contribute to the overall G score. The problems check list is also simple to input: BP is always 4 and so on.